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Showing posts from 2012

Implement Button Click (ActionEvent) using swing and applet

Following example is to demonstrate button click event using actionListener and ActionEvent in java  import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; /* <Applet code=buttonclick width=300 height=300> </Applet> */ public class buttonclick extends Applet implements ActionListener { TextField text1;    Button button1;    Label l1;      public void init()    { l1=new Label("Message: ");       add(l1);       text1=new TextField(15);       add(text1);       button1=new Button("Click");       add(button1);       button1.addActionListener(this);    }     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e1)    { String str="Hello, java is Great";       if(e1.getSource()==button1)        text1.setText(str);    } } To compile this pr...

Mid Point Circle Algorithm Implementation in C

#include<graphics.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> void main() {  int i,x,y,r,p,midx,midy;  int gd=DETECT,gm,xcenter,ycenter;  printf("Enter the radius  :");  scanf("%d",&r);  initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\\bgi");  midx=getmaxx()/2;  midy=getmaxy()/2;  xcenter=midx;  ycenter=midy;  x=0;  y=r;  p=1-r;  midpoint(xcenter,ycenter,x,y,p); // to draw circle  //to draw asterik (2 horizontal n vertical lines)  //inside the circle.  for(i=0;i<=r;i++)  { putpixel(xcenter+i,ycenter,10);    putpixel(xcenter-i,ycenter,10);    putpixel(xcenter,ycenter+i,10);    putpixel(xcenter,ycenter-i,10);  }  getch();  closegraph(); }  midpoint(int xcenter,int ycenter,int x,int y,int p)  {  while(x < y)  {  plotcircle(xcenter,ycenter,x,y);  if(p<0)  p=p+2*x+1;  else  { ...

Bresenham Circle Algorithm Implementation in C

# include<stdio.h> # include<conio.h> # include<graphics.h> void main() {  int gd=DETECT,gm;  int r,x,y,p,xc=320,yc=240,i;  initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\\BGI");  printf("Enter the radius ");  scanf("%d",&r);  for(i=0;i<10;i++);  {  x=0;  y=r;  //putpixel(xc+x,yc-y,15);  p=3-(2*r);  for(x=0;x<=y;x++)  {  if (p<0)  {   y=y;   p=(p+(4*x)+6);  }  else  {   y=y-1;   p=p+((4*(x-y)+10));  }  putpixel(xc+x,yc-y,15);  putpixel(xc-x,yc-y,15);  putpixel(xc+x,yc+y,15);  putpixel(xc-x,yc+y,15);  putpixel(xc+y,yc-x,15);  putpixel(xc-y,yc-x,15);  putpixel(xc+y,yc+x,15);  putpixel(xc-y,yc+x,15);  }  r=r-10;  //xc=xc-5;  //yc=yc-5;  }  getch();  closegraph(); }

Cohen Sutherland Line Clipping in C++

#include<iostream> using namespace std; #include "graphics.h" #define INSIDE 0 #define LEFT 1 #define RIGHT 2 #define BOTTOM 4 #define TOP 8 int code(int x,int y,int xmin,int ymin,int xmax,int ymax) { int outcode; if(x<xmin) outcode=LEFT; else if(x>xmax) outcode=RIGHT; else if(y<ymin) outcode=BOTTOM; else if(y>xmax) outcode=TOP; else outcode=INSIDE; return outcode; } void clip(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int xmin,int ymin,int xmax,int ymax) { int outcode1=code(x1,y1,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); int outcode2=code(x2,y2,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); bool accept=false; while(true) { if(!(outcode1 | outcode2)) { accept=true; break; } else if(outcode1 & outcode2) break; else { int x,y; int outcodeout=outcode1?outcode1:outcode2; if(outcodeout & TOP) { x=x1+(x2-x1)*(ymax-y1)/(y2-y1); y=ymax; } else if(outcodeout & BOTTOM) { x=x1+(x2-x1)*(ymin-y1)/(y2-y1); y=ymin; } else if...

Invoking main method from another class in java

public class test1 {         static int count; public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Inside test1 class"); if(count<=1) { count++;        test2 obj = new test2();  } } } class test2 { public test2() { String args[] = new String[] {"ABC"}; System.out.println(" Inside test2 class\n Now, invoking main method of test1 class"); test1.main(args); } }                                                                     Next >>  Error: main methods starts with capital M in java

Error: main method's m starts with capital letter

Code:- public class test1 { public static void Main(String args[]) // here  main method starts with capital letter (like Main) { System.out.println("Testing Main Method"); } } This program will compile but does not run. IT give a runtime error: "main method not found in test1 class" Solution: change the capital m to small case letter (main).

Invoking main Method in java program

main Method placed in another class rather than the program's starting class Suppose I create a java program named as . In this I added two classes Test1 and Test2. If I place main method in Test2 class then it will give a runtime error like "main method not found in test1 class". For Example: - class test1 { public static void display() { System.out.println("Inside Test1 Class"); } } class test2 { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Inside Test2 class"); test1.display(); } }   Solution: Save the above program with then compile and run.                                                                              Next >>  Invoking main method from another class ...

Multiple main methods in a Java Program

Main method is the only entry point of the java console application. Normally we used only one main method in our program. A java application can have multiple main methods. Code: -  // class test { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Main of test class..."); } } public class Myclass { public static void main(String args[]) { String str[]={"A","B","C"}; test.main(str); } }  In the above example, program starts from Myclass . For invoking a  main method it require a command line arguments also. So that we declared and initialized str[] and passed it to the test.main(str);

Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError problem Solved

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Sometimes when we try to execute java program we got error message like "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError". But this is not a major issue. It just a common human mistake. You might have compiled java program with small letter-case followed by .java extension but actually file name is in the capital letters. The program will compile without any error but do not. Note: Check filename before you compile java program ( Java is case Sensitive). for example: In my case: filename is I compiled it as javac        Compiled successfully But do not execute... give error message like this Solution: Compile it as javac Java is very case sensitive language.

Use of setPriority method of Thread Class in java

import*; class A extends Thread { public void run()    { System.out.println("Thread A started");       for(int i=5;i>0;i--)       { System.out.println(i);        }     } } class B extends Thread { public void run()    { System.out.println("Thread B started");       for(int i=5;i>0;i--)       { System.out.println(i);       }     } } class C extends Thread { public void run()    { System.out.println("Thread C started");       for(int i=5;i>0;i--)       { System.out.println(i); }     } } class thread3 { public static void main(String args[])    { A thread_a=new A();       B thread_b=new B();       C thread_c=new C();       thread_c.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY);       thread_b.setPr...

Implementation of all methods of the String class in java

import*; class strclass { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException    { String str,s2;       int ch,pos;       DataInputStream in=new DataInputStream(;       while(true)       {       System.out.println("\n-------STRING CLASS--------\n");       System.out.print("\n 1. To Upper Case");       System.out.print("\n 2. To Lower Case");       System.out.print("\n 3. Replace");       System.out.print("\n 4. Trim");       System.out.print("\n 5. Equals");       System.out.print("\n 6. Equals Ignore Case");       System.out.print("\n 7. Length");       System.out.print("\n 8. Char At");       System.out.print("\n 9. Compare To");       System.out.print("\n 10. Concatenate");       System.out.pri...

Implementation of all methods of the vector class in java

import*; import java.util.*; class vecmethod { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException    { String s1,s2;       int ch,size,pos;       Vector list=new Vector();       DataInputStream in=new DataInputStream(; System.out.print("\n\n Enter no. of Items: ");                     size=Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); String s[]=new String[size];       while(true)       {       System.out.println("\n-------VECTOR CLASS--------\n");       System.out.print("\n 1. Add Element");       System.out.print("\n 2. Element At");       System.out.print("\n 3. Size");       System.out.print("\n 4. Remove Element(Item)");       System.out.print("\n 5. Remove Element(Pos) ");       System.out.print("\n 6. Remove Al...

Generate series of prime numbers using java

import*; class prime_series {    public static void main(String args[])   { int st,end;     int flag=0;     DataInputStream in=new DataInputStream(;     System.out.print("Enter starting range: ");     st=Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());     System.out.print("\nEnter ending range: ");     end=Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());     for(int i=st;i<=end;i++)     {      for(int j=2;j<=i/2;j++)      { if(i%j==0)         { flag=1;            break;          }        else         flag=0;      }      if(flag==0)       System.out.print(i + " ");     }   } }    

C++ program to implement scaling w.r.t origin

#include"graphics.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int count=0,y,factor[3][3],sx,sy; cout<<"Enter No. of cordinates: "; cin>>y; int **matrix, **m2; matrix=new int*[3]; m2=new int*[3]; for(int i=0;i<y;i++) { matrix[i]=new int[y]; m2[i]=new int[y]; } //initailization for(int i=0;i<y;i++) { for(int j=0;j<3;j++) { if(j==1) { cout<<"\n\nEnter y-axis value for cordinate-"<<i+1<<" = "; cin>>matrix[j][i]; } else if(j==2) matrix[j][i]=1; else { cout<<"\n\nEnter x-axis value for cordinate-"<<i+1<<" = "; cin>>matrix[j][i]; } } } cout<<"\n\nEnter scaling factor for x: "; cin>>sx; cout<<"\n\nEnter scaling factor for y: "; cin>>sy; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { for(int j=0;j<y;j++) ...

C++ program to implement Translation w.r.t origin

#include"graphics.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int count=0,y,factor[3][3],tx,ty; cout<<"Enter No. of cordinates: "; cin>>y; int **matrix, **m2; matrix=new int*[3]; m2=new int*[3]; for(int i=0;i<y;i++) { matrix[i]=new int[y]; m2[i]=new int[y]; } //initailization for(int i=0;i<y;i++) { for(int j=0;j<3;j++) { if(j==1) { cout<<"\n\nEnter y-axis value for cordinate-"<<i+1<<" = "; cin>>matrix[j][i]; } else if(j==2) matrix[j][i]=1; else { cout<<"\n\nEnter x-axis value for cordinate-"<<i+1<<" = "; cin>>matrix[j][i]; } } } cout<<"\n\nEnter translation factor for x: "; cin>>tx; cout<<"\n\nEnter translation factor for y: "; cin>>ty; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { for(int j=0;j<y;...

Program to implement Thread by extending Thread class in java

import*; class NewThread extends Thread { NewThread()   { super("Demo Thread");      System.out.println("child thread: "+this);      start();    }    public void run()    { try       { for(int i=5;i>0;i--)          { System.out.println("child thread: " + i);             Thread.sleep(500);           }        }catch(Exception e){}       System.out.println("Exiting child thread");     }  }     class thread2     { public static void main(String args[])       { NewThread obj=new NewThread();          try          { for(int i=5;i>0;i--)             { System.out.println(" Main thread: " +i);            ...

Java program to count objects using static variable

import*; class obj_call { static int count;      obj_call()    { count++;    } } public class count_obj { public static void main(String args[])    { obj_call e1= new obj_call();       System.out.println("\n Hi, Welcome to Java programming");       obj_call e2= new obj_call();       System.out.println("\n Java is fully OOP's language");       obj_call e3= new obj_call();       System.out.println("\n It provide more security than the c++");       System.out.println("\n No. of objects : "+ obj_call.count);    } }

C program to implement bresenham's line drawing algorithm

#include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> void bress(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2)  { int x,y,end,inc=0,p,dx=abs(x2-x1),dy=abs(y2-y1),c=0,current=0; if(dx>dy) { p=2*dy-dx; if(x1<x2) { x=x1;y=y1;end=x2; if(y1<y2)inc=1; if(y1>y2)inc=-1; } else { x=x2;y=y2;end=x1; if(y2<y1)inc=1; if(y2>y1)inc=-1; } while(x<=end) { putpixel(x,y,15); if(p<0) p=p+2*dy; else { y=y+inc;p=p+2*(dy-dx); } x++; } } else { p=2*dx-dy; if(y1<y2) { y=y1;x=x1;end=y2; if(x1<x2)inc=1; if(x1>x2)inc=-1; } else { y=y2;x=x2;end=y1; if(x2<x1)inc=1; if(x2>x1)inc=-1; } while(y<=end) { putpixel(x,y,15); if(p<0)p=p+2*dx; else { x=x+inc;p=p+2*(dx-dy); } y++; if(current==0&&c==10) { current=1;c=-1; } if(current==1&&c==6) { current=0;c=-1; } c++; } }  } void main(...

C program to implement DDA algorithm

#include <graphics.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #define round(a) ((int) (a+0.5)) void lineDDA(int xa,int ya,int xb,int yb); int main(void) {    /* request auto detection */    int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;    int xa,ya,xb,yb;    /* initialize graphics and local variables */    initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "..\\bgi");    lineDDA(0,0,640,480);    lineDDA(640,0,0,480);    lineDDA(320,0,320,480);    lineDDA(0,240,640,240);    getch();    closegraph();   } void lineDDA(int xa,int ya,int xb,int yb) { int dx=xb-xa,dy=yb-ya,steps,k; float xinc,yinc,x=xa,y=ya; if(abs(dx)>abs(dy)) steps=abs(dx); else steps=abs(dy); xinc=dx/(float) steps; yinc=dy/(float) steps; putpixel(round(x),round(y),5); for(k=0;k<steps;k++) {       x+=xinc; y+=yinc; putpixel(round(x),round(y),2); ...

C++ program to show simple animation in Visual Studio 2008

#include "graphics.h" int main( ) {     initwindow(1000, 700, "Animation");   for(int i=0;i<47;i++) //for +x-axis { line(500,0,500,1000); line(0,350,1000,350); circle(530+(i*10),320,30); delay(100); clearviewport(); } for(int i=0;i<47;i++) //for -x-axis { line(500,0,500,1000); line(0,350,1000,350); circle(0+(i*10),320,30); delay(100); clearviewport(); } for(int i=0;i<32;i++) //for +y-axis { line(500,0,500,1000); line(0,350,1000,350); circle(470,320-(i*10),30); delay(100); clearviewport(); } for(int i=0;i<32;i++) //for -y-axis { line(500,0,500,1000); line(0,350,1000,350); circle(470,700-(i*10),30); delay(100); clearviewport(); } while(!kbhit()) { outtextxy(500,350,"Press any key to exit..."); delay(100); }     return 0; }

Java program to calculate BMI (Body Mass Index)

import java.util.Scanner; public class BMI_Calc {         public static void main(String args[])         {                 double wt, ht,bmi;                 Scanner sc=new Scanner(;                 System.out.print("Enter your wieght in pounds: ");                 wt=sc.nextDouble();                 System.out.print("\nEnter your hieght in inches: ");                 ht=sc.nextDouble();                 wt=wt*0.45359237;                 ht=ht*0.0254;                 bmi=wt/(ht*ht);                 System.out.print("\n\nBMI =...

Java program to display formatted output

Suppose the tuition for a university is $5,000 this year and increases 4.5% every year. Write a program that displays the tuition for the next four years. Display two digits after the decimal point. public class Q1 {         public static void main(String args[])         {                 double fee=5000;                 for(int i=0;i<4;i++)                 {                         fee=(fee*0.045) + fee;                         System.out.format("Increased fee for %d year = $%6.2f%n",(i+1),fee);                 }         } }

Java program To read a string and change it to alphabetical order. eg STRING=GINRST

import*; class charsort { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException    { String s1;       char temp;           DataInputStream in=new DataInputStream(;       System.out.print("\n\n Enter string:  ");       s1=in.readLine();       char z[]=new char[s1.length()];       z[0]+=s1.charAt(0);       for(int i=1;i<s1.length();i++)       { z[i]+=s1.charAt(i);                    for(int j=0;j<=i;j++)          { for(int k=j+1;k<=i;k++)            { if(z[j]>z[k])               { temp=z[k];                  z[k]=z[j];                  z[j]=temp;     ...

Java program to find perfect integers

import java.util.Scanner; public class PerfectIntegers {         public static void main(String args[])         {                 int num,sum=0,count=2,p_count=0;                 Scanner sc=new Scanner(;                 System.out.println("First four Perfect Integers are:");                 while(true)                 {                               for(int i=1;i<=count/2;i++)                         {                                 if(count%i==0)                  ...

How to Install and Run PHP file

To download wampserver and it's installation, and  To run php script on browser Step 1: Download php Virtual server like WAMPSERVER or XAMPP Note: - Download php and VC10 (link is provided in warning section) Step 2: After that, install php. (Follow the steps and just click Step 3: After the complete installation, start wampserver. Step 4: Now go to System tray and click on wampserver icon. Step 5: Click on “start all Services” (Now icon turns green) Note: - If the icon turns green that means all services are started or red then services are stopped or yellow that means temporarily stopped (you need to start all services). Step 6: Now click on “www directory” Step 7: Create new folder (in my case, named it as “vik”). Step 8: Open vik folder and create php file e.g.: Type the below php script in notepad or any other text editor as you want (It is bet...