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How to Compile Actionscript 3.0 in Adobe Flash CS4

Step 1:- Open Adobe Flash CS4

Step 2: - Select Actionscript file

Adobe Flash CS4


Goto File menu -> select New - > Select Actionscript File

Actionscript file

Click OK.

Step 3: - Type actionscript code
For example : -
            import flash.display.Sprite;
            public class exampleapp extends Sprite {
                        public function exampleapp() {
                                    for(var i:int=0;i<50;i++) {
                                                graphics.lineTo(Math.random() * 400, Math.random() * 400);
                                    for(var j:int=0;j<50;j++) {
                                                graphics.lineTo(Math.random() * 400, Math.random() * 400);

Note: - If package name is not specified then it is save as default.

Actionscript 3.0

Step 4: - Save actionscript file with extension .as

Note: - Filename should be same as the class name in the actionscript code. (When package name is not defined).
When package name is defined then we have to save the actionscript file in that folder whose folder name is same as the package name but actionscript file remains same.

e.g. : - actionscript code with package name ( save it in folder “qwe”)

package qwe{
            import flash.display.Sprite;
            public class exampleapp extends Sprite {
                        public function exampleapp() {
                                    for(var i:int=0;i<50;i++) {
                                                graphics.lineTo(Math.random() * 400, Math.random() * 400);
                                    for(var j:int=0;j<50;j++) {
                                                graphics.lineTo(Math.random() * 400, Math.random() * 400);

Here, we are saving it as “” which is the class name.

Step 5: - Now, Open a new flash document “Flash File (Actionscript 3.0)”.
               Then Click OK.

Step 6: - Save Flash file with .fla extension.

              Name of the flash file can be any (e.g. randomapp.fla).

 Note: - Flash file must be saved in the same folder where actionscript resides (When package name is not defined).

 Step 7: - Set Document class name in the Properties Windows (which appear in the right side panel)
                If it is not, then press ctrl+f3

Note: - Setting Document Class name should be same as class name of actionscript.

Here, Class name is “exampleapp”

Note: - When package name is defined (Actionscript file saved in qwe folder as we defined in above example)
Document Class name should be “qwe.exampleapp” as per our example. In general case folder.classname

Step 8: - Final step is compilation.
              Press ctrl + Enter (for Compilation)

Actionscript example


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