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Configure pthread library in DevC++

Step 1: Download pthread library package Download

Step 2: Install pthread devpak
            Way 1: Double click the pthread devpak.
            Way 2: * Open DevC++
                        * Goto Tools in the menu bar and then select Package Manager


                       * Goto Install tab in the menu bar of DevC++ Package Manager and select downloaded                              pthread devpak        

                        * After that Install package
Step 3Create new Project in Dev C++ and write your code.

Step 4: After goto Project menu => Project Option => Select Parameter Tab

Step 5: Select Add Library or Object option.

Step 6: Select libpthreaGC2.a file from installtion directory of Dev C++. It will be in lib directory.

Step 7: Press OK.

Step 8: Final step compile and run your program.

Code: -

#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
using namespace std;
void * fun_thread1(void *data)
    for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
        cout<<endl<<"In Thread 1"<<endl;
void * fun_thread2(void *data)
    for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
        cout<<endl<<"In Thread 2"<<endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int status;
    // creating thread objects
    pthread_t thrd_1;
    pthread_t thrd_2;
    // create thread
    pthread_create(&thrd_1,NULL,fun_thread1,(void *)0);
    pthread_create(&thrd_2,NULL,fun_thread2,(void *)0);    
    pthread_join(thrd_1, (void **)&status);
    pthread_join(thrd_2, (void **)&status);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


  1. I am getting pthreadGC2.dll is missing error. Any help?

    1. Download this dll fixer


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